Saturday, June 25, 2011

Welcome to my world of Vintage Fisher Price Toys.
Didn't we...or our children...all have these toys many years ago?  And the memories keep flooding back.  These toys were fun to use and sparked the imagination of millions of children.  They were solidly built, and many families passed them down from generation to generation.  What a joy they were for parents too.  No flashing lights, no batteries, and best of all NO ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. 
Who knew back then that Little People sets would become collectors' items?  Certainly not I.  I gave all my toys to the local nursery school when my boys outgrew them.  Many years later, I went on a hunt to replace them for my grandchildren. 
In 1990 Fisher Price decided that the Little People were a "choking hazard" to small children.  They started a whole line of "newer" Little People.  Sorry my opinion they're just not the same.  Even the large pieces have changed, and I fear, not for the better.  Modern Fisher Price toys are now big chunks of molded plastic.  So I'll keep collecting and restoring the old stuff.  Here are some of my favorites:
#993 Play Family Castle - 1974


#937 Play Family Sesame Street - 1975                   

#938 Play Family Sesame Street Clubhouse - 1975                   



  1. Very nice start, great pictures look forward to reading more

  2. I love the look of your blog!! I played with Little People as a child, and I'll definitely use you as a reference! Looking forward to your next post : )
